Brave Goldendoodle Rescues A Baby Fawn From Drowning In A Lake

Brave Goldendoodle Rescues A Baby Fawn From Drowning In A Lake

In Virginia, a remarkable story of bravery and kindness has captured hearts worldwide. Harley, a six-year-old Goldendoodle, proved that heroes come in all shapes and sizes—and sometimes, they don’t wear capes at all.

A Canine Hero Is Born

On an ordinary day, Ralph Dorn noticed his dog Harley about 200 feet from shore in the midst of a heroic act. It wasn’t just a leisurely swim; Harley was on a mission to save a life. The canine, known for his intelligence and intuitive nature, had spotted a baby fawn struggling in the water and didn’t hesitate to help.
“Harley must’ve seen the fawn out in the water and just jumped into action,” says Ralph.

The Rescue Mission

Without a second thought, Harley plunged into the water to aid the fawn, which was only a few days old and lacked the strength and coordination to reach the shore on its own. Displaying remarkable swimming skills, Harley gently guided the young deer towards safety. Ralph observed from the shore as Harley strategically herded the fawn back whenever it tried to stray, ensuring they moved closer and closer to the shore.

“Every time the fawn tried to turn away, Harley would herd it back towards the shoreline and they kept getting closer and closer,” Ralph says.

A Successful Endeavor

Thanks to Harley’s efforts, the pair eventually made it to dry land. Once on shore, Harley didn’t leave the fawn’s side, instead beginning to lick and care for it, a gesture of comfort and protection. The reunion with the fawn’s mother, who appeared shortly after on the lawn, was a touching scene. Ralph and Harley quietly withdrew to their home, allowing the deer family to reunite peacefully.

An Unexpected Friendship Forms

The bond formed between Harley and the fawn didn’t end with the rescue. The following day, while Ralph and his wife, Patricia, were enjoying their morning coffee, Harley sensed his little friend nearby. Excited, he ran out to meet the fawn as soon as Ralph opened the door. The joyous reunion was filled with sniffing, tail wagging, and quiet moments of companionship.

More Than Just a Pet

Harley’s actions are less surprising when considering his background as a certified therapy dog. His experience helping the elderly and children in his community prepared him well for his role as a rescuer. This heroic Goldendoodle has shown time and again his readiness to assist those in need, making him not just a pet, but a true hero.


This heartwarming tale highlights the extraordinary capabilities of dogs like Harley, who bring not only joy and companionship to our lives but also serve as fearless protectors and friends. Harley’s story is a testament to the powerful bond between animals and the incredible acts of kindness they are capable of, proving once more why dogs are so deserving of the title “man’s best friend.”

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